Millennials, Your Maxed Out 401(k) is Not Going to Be Enough

Ashleigh Kilcup
1 min readApr 17, 2022

Much like our entire adulthood, retirement is going to be a rougher ride for us elder Millennials than our parents.

SECURE 2.0 Bill heads to the US Senate with massive implications for all of us.

We’re talking about mandated automatic opt-ins and annual increases 😱

“America has stopped producing products, we produce bubbles.”

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad said recently referring to the real estate market, the stock market and the bond market.

And when the bubbles burst, Kiyosaki went on to say, the stock market will crash. So those relying on their 401(k) plans “are toast.”

There is reason SECURE 2.0 Bill passed the House of Representatives with a landslide bi-partisan support.

  1. Social Security is scheduled to run out of money by 2034
  2. Retirement Pensions are all but extinct
  3. Not enough people are saving for enough retirement

Who do you think will be stuck holding the bag?

Here’s a Forbes Article on SECURE 2.0: 👉

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Ashleigh Kilcup

I deconstruct leasing strategy to educate & empower the non-real estate professional. With 15yrs as architect, broker, CRE landlord on over 3Msf & $3B