Could We Talk About Tenure vs. Experience?

Why are professionals in experience-based businesses are so valuable?

Know when it’s a big deal and when it’s not.

Better put, the experienced professional knows when to respond with urgency or force and when to chill.

Already know the moves on the board.

The players.

The game they’re playing.

They’ve built relationships over time that are worth their weight in gold.

They might even have a relationship that bypasses the problem all together.

They put in their time grinding it and now have a little more wisdom to balance out their drive. Hopefully!

And let me be clear — years in job and experience are not synonyms.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Ashleigh Kilcup

I deconstruct leasing strategy to educate & empower the non-real estate professional. With 15yrs as architect, broker, CRE landlord on over 3Msf & $3B